Payment Assist

Eases the burden of the unexpected bill when a Customer’s car is taken to your garage for a service or MOT.

What are the benefits?

Increased client satisfaction

Providing this life saving option for your customers helps them afford essential work to be done and improves satisfaction for your garage. Otherwise, 68% would be unable to afford a £500 emergency car repair bill.

Increased customer retention

Payment Assist provides a backup option for any expensive unexpected repairs which will increase trust in your garage. 95% of motorists who used Payment Assist have said they are more likely to return to the garage.

Easy to use

You and your customers don't need to worry. It only takes a few minutes to set up and 98% of Payment Assist transactions are accepted. Helping your customers easily get the essential work their car needs without causing financial hardship.

How does it work?


Complete an online application by filling in a few simple questions about the customer (no sensitive data, i.e. income and expenditure is required and no credit check is undertaken). Application can be sent to customer by email and text to complete if they are not present in the garage.


Customer e-signs the agreement (either at the garage or via the email and text that were sent to them). Transaction with the customer is then complete, both the garage and the customer will be emailed details of the transaction.


The customer will have a loan for a one off or unexpected bill. Repayments are taken from the Client’s debit card in 4 monthly instalments (First of which is a deposit). Loan is interest free and fee free to the Client. Your garage can track all transactions in the Payment Assist online platform.

“With our busy lifestyles, we all need a car to be in full working order, and financially this can be costly. Payment Assist is a fantastic payment option for our clients, enabling them to spread the cost of their car repair, without it impacting on their financial situation. Our staff find the system easy to use, and the staff at Payment Assist are friendly and professional. We receive all payments without question and have increased our sales conversion by 20%”
- HiQ

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